Domestic Reproduction.

Planning The Mating

One of the biggest benefits of frozen semen is having access to the sire in response to the needs of the bitch.  Storing your semen with Sandown Veterinary Clinic ensures you have the sire of your choice available and that your bitch avoids the stress of interstate travel. 

When you purchase the frozen semen you should be provided with a transfer of ownership document that indicates you are the new owner of the semen. If you do not present ownership documentation to the clinic the implant cannot proceed. We would also be requesting you to provide us with a semen evaluation from the facility where the semen was frozen.

Semen Storage

Semen can be stored at the clinic at a rate of $4.00 per vial per month payable quarterly in advance ($12/quarter). Straws are charged at the same rate of $4.00 per breeding unit per month.

If the semen is sold, transferred or inseminated within the billed period, a credit will be arranged.

Preparing The Bitch

There are several things you can do to enhance the success of your breeding investment.

  1. A thyroid test taken several months before your bitch comes in season can indicate if she is thyroid deficient. Deficiency of this hormone can stop your bitch coming into season and lower both the litter size and even chance of a successful pregnancy.  Low thyroid levels can be remedied by the correct dose of medication as indicated by the test.

  2. The bitch should present at the clinic in good condition. Her vaccinations should be current, it is not recommended to vaccinate once she is in season. If her vaccination is out of date, she should be vaccinated with a Killed Parvovirus vaccine when she is 6 weeks pregnant.  She should be clean and free from parasites (worms and fleas), if she is not wormed prior to coming into season, she should be wormed with a good quality wormer when she is 6 weeks pregnant.  A happy healthy bitch is a better candidate for surgery and a trouble-free pregnancy.  In the best interest of the bitch and our other patients, the clinic will wash unclean bitches and treat parasites at the owner’s expense.

  3. Bitches over 8 years old are considered an increased challenge. The fertility of an older bitch may be declined, if this is the case there are certain drugs that may be of use in these instances to increase fertility,  a reproduction consultation with Alastair would need to be arranged to discuss.

  4. Anaesthetic risks are also slightly increased in older bitches , therefore a blood work up prior to surgery is recommended. Intravenous fluids  during surgery is recommended for all surgical inseminations, however it is a requirement for all bitches over 6 years of age.

When Your Bitch Comes In Season…

Arrange a Pre-mating Swab (culture and sensitivity test)

This can be done as early as day 1 of her cycle or it can be done on day 8 when progesterone testing begins. Bear in mind , if the bitch has an infection she may need several days of antibiotics to clear it before insemination.

What is a pre mating swab?
Using a sterile swab stick, a sample of the cells from your bitch’s vagina is taken and smeared on an agar plate. A multiple antibiotic sensitivity ring is then placed on top.  This is incubated for 48 hours to allow for any bacteria to grow.   The growth will avoid the antibiotics to which it is ‘sensitive’ and we then know which antibiotic is most effective to treat the infection. 

Why do I need to test the bitch when she first comes in season?
The earlier your bitch is tested, the earlier she can receive treatment - it is not ideal to be treating the bitch for an infection when mating is imminent as it may affect the pregnancy.   

Why can’t I just give the bitch a course of antibiotics? 
The practise of giving a course of antibiotics to a bitch without a swab is flawed because it can mean that the antibiotic chosen has no affect on the infection.   In a recent study, 75% of bitch’s swabbed after a course of antibiotics were still carrying an infection as the correct antibiotic was not used.

Why is pre mating swab vital?
An untreated or improperly treated infection can seriously affect the health of both the bitch and her pups.  It can prevent the bitch becoming pregnant, decrease the litter size and even cause the bitch to abort the pregnancy.  Puppies may become ill due to exposure to the infection during whelping.

Progesterone testing

Progesterone testing is usually commenced Day 8.  A blood test is taken at the clinic between 9am - 9.30am.  This is to ensure we make the early pathology courier  and that results are available by approximately 1pm. We will contact you with results and advise you when the next test should be taken. A bitch should not be fed before the test each morning and until the results indicate that she does not need surgery.

What is progesterone? 
Progesterone is a hormone produced during a fertile cycle, that indicates when a bitch has ovulated and when hormone levels are optimum for conception.

When should I start testing earlier?
If there is any doubt about when your bitch’s season began (as is common with bitches from large farms) or if her past history indicates that she has been successfully mated prior to day 8, progesterone testing should be commenced earlier.

How do I know what my bitch’s result is?
We will contact you with results and to advise when to re-test.If you have not heard from us by 2pm, please contact the clinic as we may have become busy and running behind schedule, or the lab may not have sent results, either way we should be able to rectify this when you call.

How many tests may my bitch need? 
While each bitch is different, a minimum of 3-5 tests is usually required.  A bitch with a long cycle may require more.

Does my bitch need to stay in the clinic during testing?
In the early stages of her cycle, a bitch will have blood taken and then go home.  After hormone readings reach approximately 15 nmol/L she may be admitted as a day patient or to board in the hospital.  This allows the bitch to be on site when results indicate that she is ready for surgery.

Can I begin testing at my local vet clinic if I live a distance away? 
Yes, we encourage owners to keep the bitch in a familiar environment for as long as is practical.  However, it is important that we are contacted each day with the test results – please check with your vet – as this is important for consistency of result.  As timing is crucial, Sandown Veterinary Clinic requests that once the results are over 15nmol/L, the bitch is bought to our clinic for testing through our lab to confirm accuracy. We will guide you as to the scheduling of the next test or requirements for admission to the clinic.


When first presenting at the clinic with your bitch, you will need to:

  1. Produce a copy of the brood bitch’s Pedigree Papers

  2. Sign a Surgical Consent Form and an Implant Authority Form

  3. Produce a copy of proof of ownership of the frozen semen

  4. If a certificate for use of registered semen for ANKC is required, please notify Melanie as these are done on a request basis only


Sandown Veterinary Clinic is a hospital facility not a breeding farm and therefore we have limited ability to board bitches.  We have secure roomy race-style kennels for the comfort of breeding bitches. This can be a very stressful time for bitches as they are being fasted, blood-tested and are away from home but every effort is made by staff to ease the situation.  We feed a premium Hills or Royal Canin Diet but please let us know if your bitch has special needs.  We try to reserve accommodation for bitches that are close to mating or from a distance away.    The cost of boarding is approximately to $27/night (2 nights are included in the package) depending on the weight of the dog.